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Discovery Preschool


We have developed three preschool classrooms in order to make sure each child is allotted the time necessary to grow.  Understanding that each child will progress at a different pace coupled with having plenty of options available, allows our teachers to nurture and strengthen children.  


Our preschool one classroom is a smaller teacher : child ratio class.  In here they begin to develop a longer attention span for group activities, finalize potty training, understand routine and classroom structure. 


Preschool one balances a true toddler to preschool transition.




CIRCLE TIME- with shapes, numbers, letters, theme discussions, and sharing ideas.


CENTER TIME- for exploring with manipulatives, puzzles, play dough, sensory boxes, transportation, home living, blocks, and fine motor activities.


ART- including but not limited to: coloring, painting, gluing, open ended projects as well as theme based, shaving cream drawing, food projects and the most amazing tactile adventures you could imagine.


GYM- health and fitness time empowers the children with knowledge about the importance of muscle development, movement, team work, sportsmanship and reaching for higher personal goals.  This time allows the children to recharge for time back in the class, lowering frustrations and boredom which would lead to misbehavior.  Our children return full of encouragement and ready to focus.


MUSIC- within the classroom music is used as a tool for expression, guidance, listening skills and relaxation.  The children engage in sing, playing and listening to music all day long.


OUTSIDE AND FREE PLAY we have a very large outside play area for the children to run,  energize and explore.  This is a time for independent choice and freedom to create.

Our large gym is  a daily must for children.  Motivating  health and fitness!
Even on the rainy days we are able to maintain high energy and a lot of fun large motor skills!

Children are a
gift of God

Psalms 127:3
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